Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Nice Things

Things that are Good, Dibrova Edition:
Perfect white water lilies.
Clear water and little fish.
Brown eye-spot butterflies with no fear of man.
Snout butterflies (1).
Perfect little blue butterflies that sit centimetres away from you and rub their hind wings together, even if they are eating bird crap.
Red Admira(b)l(e)s, in general.
A whole tree of cedar waxwings, alive and happy.
Missisauga rattlesnakes that are moving away from you.
Turtles.  Turtles.  Turtles.
Mushrooms that look like porcelain.
Tall trees that provide shelter from summer downpour.

1 comment:

Inverarity said...

What really struck me about the cedar waxwings, besides how unique they were in form and movement, was how ungainly they appeared. Their short wings beat very quickly; they twisted and manuevered in the air with evident effort. They did seem to be fairly precise flyers, just rather inefficient.

God, that Blue was perfect. It showed itself off like an excited puppy. Then again, it was eating poop, again rather like an excited puppy. Go fig.